Dr. Rajesh Subramanya review on Why Immunizations and Immunity are important to a Child?
To keep your child healthy and happy this involves making sure that they eat the right foods, exercise regularly and get quality sleep. They need comprehensive, compassionate care in a family-focused environment like that offered by pediatric specialist Rajesh Subramanya at Baptist Medical Hospital. Dr. Rajesh Subramania Mississippi is specialized and devoted to treating sick and injured children of all ages.
Dr.Rajesh Subramanya reviews that if you’re like most parents, you want your kids to be healthy. And if your kids are like most kids, that isn’t always the case. The most frequent illness of childhood is the common cold, and children — especially those in daycare — can get several of these infections per year.
Every day, our bodies are exposed to a constant barrage of viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. The vast majority of these germs (or pathogens) never make it into the body because they are kept out by the skin barrier or destroyed in stomach acid.
The immune system — just like an army — is made up of a variety of components, each of which plays a unique role in protecting the body from enemy assaults. There are several varieties of white blood cells that travel through the bloodstream, then migrate out into the body’s tissues to do their jobs. When these cells find bacteria or viruses, they send out chemical signals known as cytokines. These chemicals recruit other white blood cells to join the fight, and they control other aspects of the immune response — like fever and increased blood flow to the area.
Dr.Rajesh Subramanya review that people with normal immune systems have the capacity to respond to a wide variety of pathogens. For the vast majority of childhood illnesses, a minimalist approach works well. Colds, stomach viruses, and other mild infections tend to resolve on their own after a few days. Many bacterial infections like ear infections or strep throat will get better without our help as well. But sometimes, the immune system gets overwhelmed. And in those cases, a little “unnatural” assistance for the immune system can be quite helpful. For many bacterial infections, treatment with antibiotics can be beneficial, or even lifesaving.
What do Immunizations do?
Dr.Rajesh Subramanya review that immunizations or vaccines are used to boost the body’s natural defenses to help it properly fight infection. In order to do this, a vaccine needs to contain either a dead or weakened form of the infection. This is just enough to trigger the immune system to start producing the necessary antibodies to fight the infection without actually causing an infection. Even once the body fights off these germs it will still maintain these defenses to prevent being infected in the future.
Focus on the simple things — like hand-washing, good nutrition, and quality sleep. Be sure to stay up-to-date with immunizations to prevent a lot of serious infections. Aside from those steps, it’s probably best to stop worrying about it and just accept the fact that — no matter how hard we try.
The CDC also has a handy immunization schedule that every family should follow to make sure that their child is getting the proper immunizations at the right time so they are always fully protected from certain illnesses and diseases.
You can make practice the following in your diet,
Powerful Foods to supercharge your child’s immune system.
- Vegetables
- Eggs, Lean meat , pulses
- Yogurt -Probiotic
- Garlic !
- Oats and Barley
- Carrots for EYES !
- Mushrooms
- Nuts
- Fish
- Fruits (vitamin c)
Make your child eat at least one portion every day to see him/her healthier and happy !